We are your
reference for education and training in the Francophone world

Our missions

IFEF or the Institut de la Francophonie pour l'éducation et la formation, is a subsidiary body of the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF), dedicated to the implementation of actions related to education and training. IFEF federates the expertise and best practices available within the francophone world, and advocates cooperation and technical support for OIF member states and governments, in complementarity and synergy with other players and partners committed to the 2030 Education Agenda.
IFEF's main mission is to provide member states and governments and its partners with technical expertise for the development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of their education policies to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education.
It thus contributes to strengthening education systems and improving the quality of teaching and learning. IFEF's work is aimed in particular at those involved in education systems: teachers, administrative and pedagogical supervisory staff, and managers. IFEF also places great emphasis on evaluation and action research. Innovation, digital technology, gender equality and the search for new solutions are at the heart of our forward-looking approach.

More specifically, IFEF's mission is to

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History of IFEF

IFEF was born of the desire and ambition of the heads of French-speaking states and governments to provide the Francophonie with a new mechanism to support countries in their efforts to improve their education systems and achieve quality education. The XVth Francophonie Summit, held in Dakar, endorsed the idea of creating the Institut de la Francophonie pour l'éducation et la formation.


IFEF is governed by two governing bodies.
These two bodies are :


IFEF is managed by a Director appointed by the Secretary General of the OIF, on the recommendation of the Steering Committee. Among other things, he or she is responsible for implementing all IFEF policies and programs, as approved by the governing bodies of La Francophonie.

The Steering Committee

The Steering Committee is responsible for guiding IFEF's policy and strategy. It is the guarantor of the quality of the actions implemented by the IFEF. It meets once a year. Its functions include identifying emerging issues, trends and priorities in line with IFEF's missions and objectives, examining activity reports and setting guidelines in line with Summit decisions and available resources, proposing strategies and tools for implementing programming, contributing to the monitoring and evaluation of program implementation, and proposing any changes that may be required by IFEF's mission and structure.

Word of the Director

In an ever-changing world, education is the key to the future. It is also the foundation on which the future of our societies depends. That's why we're committed to being at the forefront of the educational challenges of our time, promoting innovation, inclusion and equity in all our educational projects and actions.

IFEF, as a subsidiary body of the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF), embodies the shared determination of member states and governments to place education at the heart of their collective action. Our mission is clear and ambitious: to contribute actively to the implementation of actions linked to education and training in the francophone world, with a view to fostering the human, social and economic development of our countries by 2030 and beyond.

Organizational chart of IFEF

The IFEF is structured to ensure optimum efficiency in carrying out its mission. Under the management of the IFEF, a number of specialized units ensure the efficient implementation of programs and projects.

What we do

IFEF is positioned as a specialized francophone institute, with the added value of supporting francophone states and governments in implementing the 2030 Education Agenda, in the field of education, training and skills development.

Guided by our mandate, we implement our actions through five main axes:

Our actions

Improving educational policies and practices by sharing knowledge and innovations

Improving technical and vocational training for young people

Promoting gender equality and equitable access to education for girls

Enhancing the professional skills of French teachers

Promoting bi-plurilingual teaching and improving learning in African national languages and French

Mapping our actions

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IFEF Community

Since its creation in 2017, IFEF has steadily built a broad community of partners, alumni and experts who have contributed and continue to contribute to its ongoing success.